Monday, November 26, 2012


My official first blog!!

Thanksgiving turned out great this year, even though I had my doubts. I wasn't sure we could host such a house full but we did! We had 18 people are our house! It was so much fun. My brothers came and then we had a bunch of Ryan's aunts, uncles, cousins and immediate family over as well.

Looking at the ads for Blank Friday.

A great pic of Tyler and Wilma!

We also had a nice Thanksgiving at my mom's house this year as well. That turned out great!

After Thanksgiving was over, I spent Sunday finalizing the outside lights on the house and decorating inside. I love the finish product. More pics to come of the inside but for now I'll post just the outside lights.

I'll continue to Blog now that I know how to do this (HAHA!) so keep your eyes peeled!


  1. Keep up the posting Kristin! I was running a blog for ages, and I let it go but you have inspired me to get back into it. It is a great way to do a bit of memory journalling and keep people in the loop especially those that live far away!
    Merry Christmas by the way :)

  2. So excited you have a blog! I'll definitely be following it!

  3. I'm horrible at blogging (well I'm new at it anyway) but sometimes I want to post pictures and really not have ALL my facebook friends seeing what I'm up to. Now people have to actually click on my link to see what I'm up to rather than just seeing my pics and such in the facebook news feed. We'll see how long I can keep this up :)
