Wednesday, May 14, 2014

In Honor of Wanda Ficker

What can I say about Wanda. I can't believe I'm writing something to remember her by. I feel like she is still with us. It's surreal that she is gone. I still can't wrap my head around it. She was a wonderful person and was so looking forward to being a grandmother to our baby girl.

She always accepted me as one of her own children. I have many great memories with her and was looking forward to making many more. God had His own plan that I will never understand but I know He has perfect timing and I trust in Him. I truly believe her purpose in life was to take care of Carl and once he was gone, her task in this life was completed as well.

Cancer took her so quickly. It was literally two weeks when we found out the diagnosis until the day she passed. During this time, I also gave birth to Natalie. Natalie came a week early which was truly God because Wanda was able to meet her. If she had been born on her due date of May 2nd that wouldn't have happened since Wanda passed May3rd.

We miss her dearly and I'm still at a loss for words.


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